Fsx Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Crack

The MJC8 Q400 addon for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and LockheedMartin Prepar3d is a highly realistic rendition, built after theBombardier (tm) Dash8 Q400 aircraft. There are 3 editions, differentiating in the price and the included features.
'PILOT' is an edition,designed for home flightsimmers, who want a state-of-the-art hardcoreadd-on but do not require the complex features, such as the instructorpanel system monitoring, circuit breakers simulation, failuressimulation, or the shared cockpit.
PRO edition of the superlative Dash-8 Q-400 from Majestic. The PRO Edition of the Majestic Software Dash 8 Q400 includes all the. Flight Simulator X. Nov 15, 2013 Majestic Dash 8: problem with VNAV. Flying the Dash 8/Q400 is totally different than any other high end. FSX-SE Forum; Majestic Dash 8. FSX Majestic Dash 8-Q400 - FMS/FMC Basic FPL Setup Tutorial - Duration: 11:21. Ronald Griffin 111,954 views. Dash 8 Takeoff Grenada(cockpit).
'PRO' edition is foradvanced users, or airline pilots wishing to improve their knowledge ofthe Dash8 Q400 airplane. This edition has all the features of the PILOTedition, plus the Headup Guidance System simulation, the shared cockpitfeature and several more (please see the comparative table below forthe full list).
'TRAINING' edition (in development) isdedicated to the airlines, wishing to have a good quality inexpensivesolution for the Dash8 Q400 technical and procedural training for bothtechnical staff and the flight crews.


Fsx Majestic Dash 8 Q400 Pilot Edition V1.006
System requirements: Any PC capable of runningFlight Simulator under MS Windows versions XP, 7,8,8.1, 10
Supported versions
32 bit edition: Microsoft FSX Service Pack 2,Acceleration or Steam/ Lockheed Martin Prepar3d V2.5, v3.4
64 bit edition: Prepar3D V4.x
Network requirements for the shared cockpit: Minimumdata exchange rate of 256 Kb/sec, ability to forward the data to theUDPports, network delay < 1000ms
The table below enumerates all the main features per version.Click on eachfeature to see the full description.
CUSTOMFLIGHT DYNAMICS ENGINE Ouraddon is the only one available on the market, which includes abuilt-in Flight Dynamics Engine completely independent from the defaultFSX FDE. The consequence of this is a much more realistic aerodynamicsbehavior of the aircraft, in particular the realistic wind simulation,enhahced propeller physics including the propeller discing and autorotation, effects of the propeller airstream on the wing lift and theicing effects on the propeller, wings and the flight surfaces. | • | • | • |
WEATHERRADAR TheWeather Radar is capable of interpolating the weather returns, based onthe actual FSX weather, using the FSX Weather Stations reports. TheWeather Radar can work with both the FSX Real Weather, and the WeatherEnvironment addons capable of setting the per-station weather. The PRO version of the Q400 is capable of reading the weather radar data from the ASN. The beam geometry is also simulated in order to depict the weather based upon the aircraft altitude, antenna tilt and the altitude of the weather itself. There is a ground clutter and the weather shadow effects. In addition there is a ground mapping mode simulation, capable of showingthe surrounding terrain. The weather clutter in the ground mode is alsosimulated. | • | • | • |
TCAS TheTraffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) simulates most of the ICAOdefined CASII functions, and provides the traffic indication, as wellas the traffic and resolution advisories. The TCAS works with both theAI traffic, and the virtual ATC network traffic (Vatsim/IVAO.) | • | • | • |
FMSNAVIGATION, FUEL MANAGEMENT AND BASIC PERFORMANCE Thedual Flight Management System, included in the package is built afterthe Universal ™ 1E FMS, and is developed with a high degree ofdetalization. The FMS system is capable of navigation in 3 dimensions(LNAV+VNAV), the RNP based navigation, the Fuel and PerformanceManagement. The up to date navigation database, provided by ournavigation data supplier Navigraph (subject to the additional charges,please see the http://navigraph.com for details), can be used to obtainthe latest procedures. In addition, there is a custom provisions tocontrol the availability of the ground services and the flow of thepassenger announcements. | • | • | • |
USERDOCUMENTATION Thedocumentation for each edition includes the systems tutorial, sampleflight guide, Control Panel application tutorial, checklists andperformance tables. The PRO and TRAINING edition also include the itemspertaining to the abnormal operations (checklists and the systemtutorial) | • | • | • |
VIRTUALCOCKPIT AND EXTERNAL MODELS Highlydetailed external and cockpit models with HD textures and specialeffects.
| • | • | • |
ADDITIONALLIVERIES AND PAINTKIT Detailedlayered paintkit in Photoshop format with a unique stitchingtool 19 high resolution liveries from around the world : | • | • | • |
PASSENGERANNOUNCEMENTS Inaddition to the default announcements included with the aircraft, ourscripting based announcement system allowes for building the customannouncements both per-livery or global. The announcement script canplay the user defined sound files based upon the current condition ofthe aircraft systems and control states, thus allowing for a verycustomized and realistic announcement flows, specific to the particularairlines. | • | • | • |
FMSFPL WINDS TheFMS FPL winds functionality which is currently in development, and willbe provided in the version 1.1 update, will allow the FMS to accountfor the enroute winds, thus increasing the fuel and time predictionaccuracy. | • | • | • |
SAVINGAND LOADING SYSTEMS' STATE Whensaving or loading the flight in the Flight Simulator, the systems willalso store or retrieve their respective states | • | • | • |
CUSTOMSOUND SYSTEM Ourproduct includes its own Sound System, independant of the MicrosoftFlight Simulator sound system. The sound system is Direct X based, andis using the custom DSP (Digital Signal Processing) effects to simulatethe propeller sounds correctly. In addition, the system is 3D enabledfor both the external and internal sounds, including the switches andcontrols sounds, as well as the voice announcements. | • | • | • |
ADDONCONTROL PANEL APPLICATION TheAddon Control Panel Application (CPAN) allowes the user to visuallymodify the most important parameters of the aircraft, as well as verifyand apply the custom Weight and Balance configurations. | • | • | • |
SHAREDCOCKPIT FEATURE TheShared Cockpit is the way for two users to share the same cockpit overthe network. Our Shared Cockpit syncronizes 2 instances of the addonover the home network or the internet. It is also possible to invite athird person to the cockpit as observer. | • | • | |
COMPLETELYCUSTOMIZABLE FAILURE SYSTEM Ourproduct is coming with a sophisticated scripting system, which can beused to set the scenarios for any failures in the airplane. Thescenario can be random as well as triggered by the predefinedconditions (engine failure on V1, for example). The scenarios can alsobe written by the users and include the scenario flow logic as well asthe custom sound playback. | • | • | |
RANDOM FAILURES A number of default failures will occur at a rate close to that in the real life. An aircraft can be made more reliable or less reliable as desired by the user. TRAINING contains more extensive list of the random failures than the PRO edition | • | • | |
HEADUPGUIDANCE SYSTEM TheHGS allowes for operation of the aircraft under weather minimums up toCAT IIIa. Our HGS includes a system control panel and the HeadupDisplay. The HGS system also accounts for the pilot head position andview angle in a Virtual Cockpit. | • | • | |
4xSMOOTHER CONTROLS Configurabledirect link to the joystick axis, allowing for 125Hzfrequency of controlling the Flight Dynamics (as opposite to 30Hzfrequency of the FSX), as well as bypassing the extensive filtering ofFlight Controls by the FSX | • | • | |
SOUNDSYSTEM ADVANCED MODE Inthe PRO edition and higher, our Sound System can, in addition to the 3Dmode, be configured to reproduce the particular sound groups via thededicated speaker(s), such enabling the sophisticated home simulationsetups. In addition, the sound system supports a second sound device(including the USB headsets) which can be used to separately output theheadphone sounds. | • | • | |
AUTOPILOTTCS MODE TheTouch Control Steering mode allowes the pilot to use the control columnmovements to command the autopilot mode parameters, such as altitude,vertical speed and the indicated airspeed adjustments, without havingto disengage the autopilot. | • | • | |
FMSETP/PNR FUNCTIONALITY TheEqual Time Point (ETP) and Point of No Return (PNR) calculations arethe advanced functions of the Performance management (PERF), usedduring the navigation in the deserted areas (oceanic navigation,deserts..) in order to verify that the aircraft has sufficient fuel toproceed to the selected destination in the normal and/or abnormalconditions. | • | • | |
2DPANELS Thefull set of the 2D panels, which can be used to fly the aircraft the'traditional' way, or build a multiscreen cockpit by moving the panelsonto the multiple monitors. | • | • | |
WORKINGCIRCUIT BREAKERS SIMULATION Weprovide the simulation for all the circuit breakers in the cockpit withthe correct mapping between the circuit breakers and the electricalequipment. The circuit breakers popup on short circuit is alsosimulated | • | • | |
ALTERNATEGEAR EXTENSION Inthe cases of the main gear retraction/extension system failre, the gearcan be manually extended by using the alternate gear extensionmechanism, which includes a manual hydraulic pump and a nose gearrelease assembly | • | • | |
SYSTEMCONTROL APPLICATION Isan external application, which can be used to monitor the status of theaircraft systems and apply the selected system failures over thenetwork. In the PRO edition, Electric, Hydraulic and Avionics systems are included. In theTRAINING edition also Powerplant and Flight Controls systems are added | • | • | |
FLIGHTCONTROLS DISCONNECT SIMULATION Inthe TRAINING edition, the flight controls can be disconnected and therespective independant flight controls system will account for thepilot flying position (based upon the pilot head position in theVirtual Cockpit, or the type of the main panel in the 2D cockpit). | • | ||
COCKPITHARDWARE INTERFACE TheCockpit Hardware Interface is a UDP based network interface, whichallows the numerous MJC8 Q400 components, such as our separateinstrument executable, the 2D panel executables, as well as the custombuilt Dash-8 hardware - to be linked, enabling the user to build a fullor a partial hardware cockpit | • | ||
MULTI-MONITOR COCKPIT 2D PANELS A distributable which can run under the supported by the Q400 flight simulators (please see installation requirements below), containing just the 2D panels such as separate left and right pilot panels, lower and higher center panels, overhead and the glareshield panel- which can be linked via the network to the 'host' instance of the Q400 | • | ||
FMSRAIM SIMULATION FMSwill provide the RAIM prediction, and simulate the changing GPSaccuracy accordingly | • | ||
ARCDUMAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS Aresimulating the ARCDU maintenance interface with the appropriate errorcodes, thus allow to augment the technicians training | • | ||
SIMULATORTRAINING MANUAL TheSimulator Training Manual is the document, explaining the best ways toutilize the TRAINING edition in order to prepare to the full simulatorchecks | • | ||
CUSTOMFLIGHT DATA RECORDER TheFlight Data Recorder is a part of the System Control Application, whichcan be used to record and visually reproduce a flight, such allowingfor the classroom demonstration or analysis of the particularsituations in the aircraft operation. | • | ||
PRICE | 40.49 € | 60.99 € | 121.99 € |
All prices areapproximate, and excluding sales tax. Please refer to the particular online stores for the exactprice. | |||
UPGRADE | Upgrades can be issued by the particular onlinestores, subject to the store policy | ||
PURCHASE | Purchase theMJC8 Q400 from our official distributors : |
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